A.S.P. | Aufbau Service Petersen GmbH
Möderitzer Weg 93
19370 Parchim
Tel.: +49 3871 / 21 54 38
Fax: +49 3871 / 25 14 38
E-Mail: vertrieb@asp-smartbox.de
Branch office Hamburg (sales – service base)
Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 143
22047 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 / 35 98 42 701
Fax: 040 / 35 98 42 709
E-Mail: vertrieb@asp-smartbox.de
Register court: Schwerin Local Court
Registration number: HRB 2605
Managing Director: Hinrich Petersen
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE137706880
IK-number 591301563
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/odr
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.